As a DISH Authorized Retailer, We provide Dish Network's services on a local level.
- Same day or next day installation in more cases
- 3 months FREE Movie package
- Get 2,000 SD or 500 HD hours of recording space with the Hopper Whole-Home DVR*
- Take your live and recorded TV mobile with the DISH Anywhere App
- Add High-Speed DishNet Internet for only $39.99
- $100 Visa Gift Card
When you sign up with Dish, you know that you are signing up for industry leading technology, value, and service.
With products like The Hopper and The Tailgater, Dish network is perfect for active people who like to be on the go.

KING tailgater
Take DISH with you anywhere you go in your RV. Here at Al’s TV Antenna & Satellite, we will install and program the device on your RV for you.
The Talegator is the best way to travel cross country and still keep up with your favorite shows.
The Hopper is our latest technology that enables anyone to take their live and recorded TV anywhere! Watch your favorite live TV on your mobile device when you have access to wifi and watch your recorded programs when you’re on the road or anywhere else.
With Dish Network’s great value, everyone can have high quality TV service. And with our passion for providing the best customer service here at Al’s TV Antenna & Satellite, you know that we’ll always be there to provide product advice and technical support.

– Al’s TV Antenna & Satellite is an authorized retailer of DISH Network L.L.C. DISH, DISH Network and DISH Network logos are trademarks, registered trademarks and/or service marks of DISH Network L.L.C. and/or its affiliate(s). The DISH Network trademarks, registered trademarks and/or service marks are used under license of DISH Network L.L.C. and/or its affiliate(s).